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Nutrition & Diets

Athletic Aliments transcend the conventional role of a supplement provider. We are devoted to tailoring our offerings to meet the ever-evolving needs of athletes, considering their nutritional requirements, supplementation needs, and any specific conditions they may encounter throughout different stages of the season.

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Hypertrophy Diets

The primary goal of hypertrophy diets is to strategically increase muscle mass while effectively managing body fat levels. By focusing on nutrient-dense foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, these diets aim to optimize all physical capacities essential for athletes. Incorporating a hypertrophy diet into a comprehensive training regimen can significantly optimize an athlete's ability to achieve muscle growth goals while maintaining overall health and performance.

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Diets for significant weight loss.

This diet focuses on reducing body fat, preserving stored nitrogen and glycogen. Unlike a cutting diet, maintaining muscle mass is less critical due to the athlete's body type. With significant lean mass, losing some of it would not significantly affect their performance or overall body composition assessment.

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Cutting diets

The primary goal of this diet is to reduce body fat, retain nitrogen, accumulate glycogen, and maintain maximum lean muscle mass. This aims to optimize physical capacities, accelerate recovery, and enhance injury prevention.

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Standard Diets

The primary goal of hypertrophy diets is to strategically increase muscle mass while effectively managing body fat levels. By focusing on nutrient-dense foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, these diets aim to optimize all physical capacities essential for athletes. Incorporating a hypertrophy diet into a comprehensive training regimen can significantly optimize an athlete's ability to achieve muscle growth goals while maintaining overall health and performance.

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Body recomposition balanced

Diets for athletes who are already in good physical condition and body composition but want to further increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and enhance body recomposition, aiming to maximize their performance and conditioning capabilities.

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Specific Diets

Tailored nutrition plans are designed to address specific circumstances such as injuries, surgical recovery, abnormal lab results, and any other condition requiring precise diagnosis and treatment.

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General supplementation Plan

Athletic Aliments transcend the conventional role of a supplement provider. We are devoted to tailoring our offerings to meet the ever-evolving needs of athletes, considering their nutritional requirements, supplementation needs, and any specific conditions they may encounter throughout different stages of the season.

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Rest Period

The rest period occurs at the end of one season and the beginning of the next. During this phase, it is preferable not to apply metabolic loads or general lower body strength exercises. Regardless of the athlete's goal, we can focus on upper body workouts and compensatory exercises. No performance-enhancing supplements aimed at boosting conditional capabilities will be used during this period since we are not aiming for field performance. This means we can take a break from most supplements, except for those that aid recovery, such as protein, glutamine, BCAAs, essential amino acids, and recovery shakes. This phase is an opportunity for cleaning and resting.

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Transitional Period

In the initial phase of the transitional period, the primary goal is to achieve anatomical and neuromuscular adaptation, both metabolically and in terms of general lower body strength. Additionally, we will continue with the progression of strength and compensatory training. Nutritionally, everything must be tailored to this phase. We will maintain our recovery supplements, hydration, and multivitamins. However, we will not yet use performance supplements, as we want our athlete to attain a high level of conditional capacity (optimization) without the aid of performance supplements.

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Loading Phase:  After achieving neuromuscular adaptation both metabolically and in terms of strength, we will enter the high-load weeks to improve all conditional capabilities. At this point, we should start integrating performance supplements as we reach an optimal level, including performance boosters, stimulants, creatine, and nitrates, along with other supplements.

Tuning Phase: In the final stage of the preseason, having already attained optimal metabolic and strength performance, we will continue using a variety of supplements, tailored to meet each athlete's individual needs.

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Competitive Period Phase I

From the start of the league until the Christmas break, we will implement specific training loads to maintain an optimal level, always considering the condition of our athletes (optimal maintenance). During this phase, we can use all types of supplements, tailored to meet each athlete's individual needs.

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Rest Period (Christmas)

Download Phase: During the Christmas break, we will take a complete rest from both metabolic activities and general strength training for both the upper and lower body. Alternatively, we may engage in very light metabolic and mechanical work. Supplementation can be reduced or paused, but the use of performance supplements can be adjusted based on the duration of the rest period.

Loading Phase: In this phase, we resume training with increased loads and focus on maintaining optimal levels for the Competitive Period Phase II. We will reintroduce all types of supplements (multivitamins, recovery aids, performance enhancers, stimulants, isotonic drinks, glutamine, protein, creatine, essential amino acids, BCAAs, nitrates) tailored to the specific needs of each athlete.

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Competitive Period Phase II

From the start of the league Phase I until the Christmas break, we will apply training specific loads to maintain an optimal level, considering the current condition of our athletes (optimal maintenance). During this phase, we can use a variety of supplements, always tailored to the specific needs of each athlete.


Personal Diet and Supplementation

Subscription Plans




Every 8 weeks

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Every 6 weeks

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Every 4 weeks

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(*) Lab test cost at the customer's expense
We offer exclusive discounted rates at Syn Lab laboratories when you use services through Athletic Aliments.

Action Protocol for Personal Diets & Supplementation

Engagement Protocol Basic Plan Intermediate PlanPremium Plan
Anthropometric test & EvaluationEvaluation Included
Test Provided by Client
Evaluation Included
Test Provided by Client
Customized Lab test & evaluation (*)Evaluation Included
Test Provided by Client
Evaluation Included
Test Provided by Client
Overral Health Condition AssestmentIncludedIncludedIncluded
Understanding eating habits and preferencesIncludedIncludedIncluded
Plan objectives definitionIncludedIncludedIncluded
Customized Nutritional PlanIncludedIncludedIncluded
Periodic Diet Plan Assessment & AdjustmentsEvery 8 weeksEvery 6 weeksEvery 4 weeks
Consultations per week1 per week3 per weekUnlimited
Personalized Dieta ProtocolVirtualVirtualIn Person

(*) Lab test cost at the customer's expense
We offer exclusive discounted rates at Syn Lab laboratories when you use services through Athletic Aliments.

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Anthropometric Evaluation

Our company provides comprehensive anthropometric evaluations for athletes, measuring body size, structure, and composition to assess key physical attributes. Our assessments include metrics such as height, weight, body mass index (BMI), skinfold thickness, and limb circumferences. These evaluations are essential for optimizing athletic performance, tracking progress, and tailoring training or nutrition plans to meet each athlete's specific needs.

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Lab Test

Our lab services provide advanced analytics to optimize the nutritional and supplementation plans of athletes. We offer comprehensive assessments, including blood biomarker analysis, hormone level testing, vitamin and mineral profiling, and metabolic rate testing. These analytics enable us to customize nutrition and supplement strategies that enhance athletic performance, recovery, and overall health. By closely monitoring key health indicators, such as allergies, food intolerances, iron levels, hydration status, and muscle recovery markers, we ensure athletes receive personalized recommendations tailored to their specific needs and sport requirements

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Health Assestment

Our company offers comprehensive health assessments designed to evaluate each individual's physical and nutritional status. This systematic approach identifies unique health needs by analysing various factors, including dietary intake, lifestyle habits, body composition, biochemical markers, and existing health conditions. The insights gained from this assessment enable us to provide tailored recommendations for personalized nutritional plans and supplementation strategies. Ultimately, our goal is to enhance overall wellness, improve athletic performance, and support effective recovery.

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Eating habits and preferences

Our company offers specialized services for evaluating eating habits and preferences, designed to help individuals understand their dietary behaviours and make informed nutritional choices. This comprehensive evaluation involves assessing various factors, including:

  • Dietary Intake: Analysing current food consumption patterns to identify nutritional gaps and excesses.
  • Food Preferences: Understanding individual likes and dislikes to tailor recommendations that align with personal tastes.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Considering elements such as daily routines, physical activity levels, and cultural influences on food choices.
  • Health Goals: Aligning dietary assessments with personal health objectives, whether they are focused on weight management, athletic performance, or general wellness.

By gathering and analysing this information, we provide actionable insights and personalized guidance, empowering clients to adopt healthier eating habits and enhance their overall well-being.

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Plan objectives

Our company specializes in creating tailored nutritional plans and supplementation designed to achieve specific client objectives. We recognize that each individual has unique health goals and dietary needs. We collaborate with our clients to define clear and attainable nutritional objectives, such as weight management, muscle gain, improved energy levels, and specific health conditions.

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Nutritional Plan

Our nutritional planning service offers personalized dietary strategies tailored to each athlete's unique health goals and lifestyle. We create customized plans that evaluate individual needs, including health status, dietary preferences, and specific objectives like weight management, muscle gain, or increased energy. Using evidence-based practices, we ensure athletes receive the essential nutrients for optimal health and performance. Our guidance empowers athletes to make informed dietary choices that enhance their conditional capacities and well-being.

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